your source for quality audio solutions
We cater to a wide variety of clientle and as a result carry a vast range of products. Some of the more popular product ranges are listed below.
Please feel free to browse through our multitude of products. We hope you will find what you are looking for.
Please feel free to browse through our multitude of products. We hope you will find what you are looking for.
Classroom Product Overview

Ideal for student/teacher interaction
The Quantum II is completely self-contained infrared wireless microphone sound system for portable use or permanent installation. The two wireless microphones can be used simultaneously, one by the teacher and other for student participation. This allows front-row learning for all students. The Quantum II has a powerful 30-watt amplifier and a full range speaker for complete coverage of a typical classroom. It can be complemented by a companion speaker for improved sound distribution throughout the room. LEARN MORE.

A low cost sound-field system
The Forum is the answer to the need for a low cost sound-field system for classroom presentation. The two wireless microphone channels provide freedom of movement and permits hands free performance. The two auxiliary inputs provide multimedia integration with even distribution of sound for all audio in the classroom. It has two separate outputs for Assistive Listening Systems (ALS) and recording with active boards. LEARN MORE.

Versatile and free from outside interference
The same as Forum system with additional features that include: Maxim II Output, RS-232 wall panel control of line inputs, teacher priority with instant attenuation of line levels via Sapphire pendant, Digital Feedback Guard (DFG) and switchable computer anti-hum circuit on computer input.

A 50 watt two channel microphone receiver
The Maxim III is a two channel receiver/amplifier/mixer with energy saving “sleep” mode, 50-watt Digital Hybrid Class D Amplifier, four auxiliary inputs for Computers, DVD, Aux or iPod/MP3 player, output for Maxim II, along with page pass-through, a 5-band equalizer, RS-232 wall panel control of the line inputs, Fire alarm connection (AC or DC), remote Security Alert, teacher priority with instant attenuation of the line levels via Sapphire pendant and Digital Feedback Guard (DFG). The Maxim III also features an output for recording the day’s lesson capture.
It is the core of a sound-field system for use in the classroom, corporate boardroom or secured briefing rooms up to 1,600 sq. ft. The system includes your choice of microphone/transmitters, drop-in battery charger and speaker package. The Maxim III can power up to 4 speakers. LEARN MORE MAXIM III.

A 100 watt two channel microphone receiver
The Spectrum III is a two channel receiver/amplifier/mixer with energy saving “sleep” mode, 100-watt Digital Hybrid Class D Amplifier, four auxiliary inputs for Computers, DVD, Aux or iPod/MP3 player, output for assistive listening system, along with page pass-through, a 5-band equalizer, RS-232 wall panel control of the line inputs, Fire alarm connection (AC or DC), remote Security Alert, teacher priority with instant attenuation of the line levels via Sapphire pendant and Digital Feedback Guard (DFG). The Maxim III also features an output for recording the day’s lesson capture.
It is the core of a sound-field system for use in the classroom, corporate boardroom or secured briefing rooms up to 1,600 sq. ft. The system includes your choice of microphone/transmitters, drop-in battery charger and speaker package. The Spectrum III can power up to 8 speakers. LEARN MORE.

An essential complement to a interactive whiteboard system.
The VoiceLink Plus sound system is an essential complement to the interactive whiteboard system: Whiteboard for visual, VoiceLink to reinforce the instructor’s voice and amplify media sources. The system features a single-channel wireless microphone receiver with a 20 watt amplifier to power two or four speakers. With a VoiceLink Plus wireless microphone system, the teacher’s voice will be clearly heard throughout the room with ease. And the auxiliary input on the front panel allows the input of an iPod™, computer, or DVD to supplement the instructional program. LEARN MORE.

Expand your existing system with voice reinforcement
The VoiceLink I system will expand your multi-media sound system to include voice reinforcement via an infrared wireless microphone. The VoiceLink I is a preamp-only receiver and is designed to be plugged into an existing power amplifier or the input of a multi-media sound system. With a VoiceLink I infrared wireless microphone system, the teacher’s voice will be clearly heard throughout the room with ease. And the auxiliary input on the front panel allows the input of an iPod™, computer, or DVD to supplement the instructional program. LEARN MORE.

A two-channel microphone system add-on.
The VoiceLink III system is a two-channel infrared wireless microphone system that can be an addition to any existing sound system whether in a classroom, conference room, banquet room, or district courtroom. The VoiceLink III features a two-channel infrared wireless microphone receiver for the simultaneous use of two wireless microphones: no messy cables and you have total freedom of movement throughout the room. An Aux/Comp input and front panel output for Lesson Capture. The line level output, balanced (phoenix 3-pin) or unbalanced (1/4″ phone), is connected to an existing sound system. Excellent vocal quality and reliable connectivity in excess of 30-foot radius to a central ceiling sensor. Interference-free transmission with 100% program material security (infrared will not transmit through walls). LEARN MORE
The VoiceLink III system is a two-channel infrared wireless microphone system that can be an addition to any existing sound system whether in a classroom, conference room, banquet room, or district courtroom. The VoiceLink III features a two-channel infrared wireless microphone receiver for the simultaneous use of two wireless microphones: no messy cables and you have total freedom of movement throughout the room. An Aux/Comp input and front panel output for Lesson Capture. The line level output, balanced (phoenix 3-pin) or unbalanced (1/4″ phone), is connected to an existing sound system. Excellent vocal quality and reliable connectivity in excess of 30-foot radius to a central ceiling sensor. Interference-free transmission with 100% program material security (infrared will not transmit through walls). LEARN MORE